Sick of Politicians
Witness the vote in South Dakota to eliminate all abortion, except in case of life threat to the pregnant woman (how magnanimous of them). All done so that they would get sued and could proceed this to the Supreme Court, eventually, in an attempt to overthrow Roe v Wade.
I don't care what your view on abortion is and don't care whether you agree with me or not on it, but this is getting ridiculous - to take something that is so personal to so many people and just turn it into a political calculation to force your views on everyone else.
maybe they will get what Bush is getting now and it will come back to haunt them in some great ironic way - as in reaping what you sow.
I'm not sure exactly how I feel about the whole ports brouhaha. I do know that I'm sick of the whole political lot, Democrats and Republicans alike, posturing and pandering to narrow interests rather than working to actually secure us and make our country and the world a better place to live in.
Karen and I were sitting having a nice dinner out last night and talking about this, commenting on how removed you can be in one instant, but that life is so out of balance in so much of the world, and as soon as you turn on the radio you cannot escape it.
It feels like there are so many missed opportunities, as well as miscreated situations that I'm starting to seriously look around and think about where in the world one could move and have what might be considered a peaceful, non-intrusive, quiet life.
It's not that I want to disengage from the world, but I am really getting sick of the whining from all sides of the political spectrum. There is just no attempt to find a common space to come to rational decisions about what might be best for the long term health of the world. It's just us vs. them and them are always categorized as evil.
Now, I love Molly Ivins. But even this recent column
is an illustration of how we all just continue to state the obvious without any real solutions being offered.
Here's what I think - let's just declare that Bush and his cronies are officially irrelevant, wrong and will be out of office eventually and start working on the new agenda for 2008 and beyond. I don't think anything will really happen in the next two years in the runup to the 2008 election (except more bad stuff and more of the same deceit, lying, incompetence and general decline of working people, the middle class and the poor).
I'll start thinking of my ways forward. I would love to hear others. This conversation will continue.