Thursday, February 02, 2006

musings from the left coast

This year seems to be starting with a heavy focus on family. Connecting, maintaining, supporting.

I'm finding myself drawn to the big questions these days - do we actually need politicians to govern our lives? Is intelligent design merely an oxymoron designed to insult our intelligence? Should I be teaching myself and other family members Chinese? (Well, it's probably too late for me, but my grand daughters, nieces and nephew may want to consider it.)

Basically, this is an invitation for everyone Salinger to stay in touch. Send me photos, epistles, rude comments, whatever and I will try to post them so everyone can see what's happening across the spectrum of Salingerdom.

Last year was pure craziness as I traveled well over 150,000 miles and hit most of the continents once or twice. Not sure what this year will bring, but hoping for a slightly more sane approach to coming and going.

I do know that I will be in DC and NY in late March, Japan in early March, Scotland (most likely) in July and who knows where in between.

Karen (Zukor) is taking the year off from her business as a paper conservator and has her trusted employees running the business for her while she takes a much deserved break and figures out what the rest of life holds for her (and me).

So, I'll be posting my personal musings, reflections and observations on as regular a basis as I can, so bookmark this site to keep up, and do send me stuff to add to the postings.

Cheers to all,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool! I have opened the posting and closed it several times, waiting for something poignant to write. It seems that nothing poignant is bubbling near the surface.

I am happy that there is a Salinger Blog. So I can periodically check in on the happenings in the family. Weddings and funerals. Almost cliche.

Well, my comment sets the bar sufficently low that any other Salinger (Past, present, future, in-laws, out laws) will not be intimidated to add their two cents.

By the way, tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of my first child's birth-- and 40 days til I become a father anew. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

2:24 PM  

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