Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Now The Decide to Have a Debate?

Good Lord!! Now Bush has decided to wait until January to present a "plan" on how to move forward on Iraq? Where was all this penchant for debate and coming up with a plan in 2003, when they decided before all the facts were known or avenues of other options were explored to just go ahead and take us to war?

Could this be any more ridiculous? Get out now and let them have their religious war on their own.

It's just too frustrating for words.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy is it ever! Have you been noticing the same thing about Bush lately that I have? Namely, that he seems supremely uncomfortable in front of virtually any audience, even the military. It's no longer the dim glow behind his eyes that USED to frustrate me -- now he just looks completely lost and frightened.

11:25 AM  

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