Thursday, December 07, 2006

Did Anyone Really Think We Were Going to Have a Breakthrough?

Now that all the politicos can exhale again (having waited with bated breath for Baker-Hamilton to make their grand pronouncements), does anyone seriously think this changes anything?

With Shrub still claiming that the only viable solution is "victory" (what the hell does that look like at this point anyway?), and having immersed us in an extremely untenable position vis a vis Iran, Syria and the rest of the Middle East, just how do we disengage from the war we started that's now a civil war and that without some resolution apparently (according to our beloved President) will haunt Americans for generations if we quit now?

My vote - Arab problem, let the Arabs fix it themselves and let's get out of the way sooner rather than later. And let's start the road to energy independence so we never have to worry about going back there.

Are we spooked yet?


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