Thursday, March 02, 2006

Kelsey Turns 15

My grandaughter, Kelsey Jarvis turned 15 on March 1.

I'm in Japan this week, but was still able to talk to Kelsey and wish her a happy birthday.

Wow, 15!! It seems like not all that long ago that I was 15. Some days I act like I'm 15. And now to have a grandaughter that age. Hard to believe.

More about Japan next time.

From George Salinger:

Can you even begin to imagine how it feels to tell our friends that we have a fifteen year old great granddaughter?  Yesterday, Kelsey, our oldest great
granddaughter turned fifteen. We spoke with her and it was a wonderful conversation. In speaking with her Mom, our granddaughter, Gracia she said,

"Nobody believes that I have a fifteen year old daughter." I told her that
we experience the same sort of thing and that our reply is, "Well, that's
what happens when you get married when you are six."

Seriously, it is such a gift to have lived a life to have great
grandchildren and feel as tough you can relate to them in their
conversations with you. Gracia was so thrilled with her new arrangement of
being able to go full time to school and is looking forward to graduating in
2007. We told her that was an event we wouldn't want to miss. Her studies
in interior design are challenging, but she is getting good grades and
working hard.

We urge any of the Salingers who have not weighed in on Paul's blog to join
in and share whatever they choose to share. Its always good to hear family
news, but all comments I am sure are welcome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm tempted to say "way to go old fart", but perhaps that's a bit too irreverant.


3:20 PM  

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