Go Greenbelt - Karen Rides for Open Land

Dear Salinger Family,
I’ve never really been a numbers person, but this year, I have done the math.
I rode Go Greenbelt for the first time in 1992, at age 39. You can do the adding and subtracting here; I already know how old I am.
I bought a new bike for the ride in ’92, a Specialized, Allez. It had 18 speeds. It seemed like I would never need more than that for going up hill or down hill.
The first year of Go Greenbelt, 500 miles in a week seemed like it would never end. As I remember it, I didn’t want it to end. By day seven, I wanted to keep riding.
By the end of the ride in 1994, familiarity with the route began to make things feel a little easier. I knew where all the rest stops were and I had definitely figured out the best places to eat along the route. I had understood that it was NOT a good idea to have a burrito before the climb up Metcalf Rd. (a 1.5 mile hill that climbs 1500 feet in elevation) and not to bother with a double espresso before climbing Spring Mountain Road. Ah, Spring Mountain Road, switchback after switchback, each steeper than the last.
In 1997, I added 9 gears to my bike. Mid-way through my 40’s, 18 gears were no longer enough, particularly on the up hill. Looking back now, I don’t know how I ever did it with 18.
1999 marked the beginning of the longest stretch. By the end of this year, I will have completed 8 in a row.
In 2002, I splurged and bought the bike of my dreams; a titanium frame custom built Seven. Humm, another number.
So, here we are, 2006. This will be year 13, lucky 13.
My goal this year is to raise $1 for every past mile I have ridden and continue my efforts to support the Greenbelt Alliance’s mission to protect and preserve open space in the Bay Area and to work towards sustainable urban growth. Over the 13 years I have been riding through both rural and urban areas, I have witnessed many green hillsides and valleys that had been slated for development, successfully remain in the category of open space, thanks to the work that Greenbelt does. Sadly, I have also seen acres of farmland changed into acres of houses. Once farmland is lost to development, it is lost forever.
I need your help. I’m asking each and every one of you to reach into your pockets as far as you can and help me on my 13th year of Go Greenbelt.
Here's how to donate.
Visit the Greenbelt Alliance website, www.greenbelt.org and click on sponsor a Go Greenbelt rider today, and donate for Karen Salinger.
Donations are greatly appreciate by April 31st, but gratefully accepted until June 1st.
I appreciate your help and support. Keep me in your thoughts the week of April 23rd and wish me tailwinds!!
By the way, I guess I should say a few words about the photo. I’m sure you are wondering. I ride lots of my training miles by myself. I have a few imaginary friends who keep me company and make sure I don’t spend too much time talking to myself.