Monday, April 10, 2006

Wagging the Dog

Saw V for Vendetta over the weekend. An interesting film to see right now in light of all that is being foisted upon us in the political arena - from fearmongering over illegal immigration to continued justifications for what is becoming more and more a war that we were misled about and lied to about to new rumors about how and why Bush could get us into another conflict before we're able to get him out of office (invading or bombing Iran).

I would recommend V for Vendetta, not because it's a great movie (it has flaws and is overtly violent), but because if there are things we should be fearful of, they probably stem more from what our governments want us to believe and the demagoguery of those with fixed belief systems and a penchant for absolute power than we do from knowing the truth and deciding for ourselves where our allegiances should lie - and the movie does do a good job of protraying that moral dilemma.


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