Tuesday, March 14, 2006

updates and such - and a note from Noel

ok, it's been a few days, I know. I think I'm still recovering from a bit of a blowout weekend celebrating my birthday and Karen Zukor's brother Abe's 60th birthday here in SF. Really fun weekend, with two, very rich and fattening dinners, which put a serious crimp in my weight-loss program - but what the hell, you only live once and you have to enjoy what you can, right?

then, I was offline all day yesterday because I had to go to Seattle for the day for work, but was able to sneak in lunch with Gracia before she had to go off to her cultural theory class at school.

Happy to say I got a note from Noel:

"Hello everyone from the Chicago outpost.

Hats off to Paul for getting this started. On the subject of fast-forward growing up, still getting used to the idea that my daughter Calla is about to finish her first year at NYU. Graham's high school just produced a short play of his, an intense little anti-Iraq war number. LeAnne (my wife) is implementing her web-based literacy training program in about a dozen schools in Chicago this spring. If only she had the patent.

High point for me since Abbee's wedding, when I got to see so many of you, and dance with a few of you, was my trip to China in October and November with a group of alumni from U. of Chicago. Amazing place where the ancient past is driving the future. China's full power has yet to be unleashed and the world will change when it is.

Those are the headlines. Backstory is this stage of life steering kids into adulthood, caring for parents with growing needs, searching for gems in days that are too short, meeting-crammed, ending with too many unchecked to-dos and still trying to some right in the world. Staying in touch on this blog is a gem.

Birthdays and anniversaries:

Calla October 3, 1986
Graham March 29, 1989 (yes, Mimie's birthday)
LeAnne September 6, 1954
me December 18 1952
our anniversary August 24, 1985

That's all for now. Hope to see postings from more of you soon."

Ok - more coming soon on all fronts.


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