Thursday, July 06, 2006

Independence. Day.

Ok, Ok, I have been neglecting this post for way too long while being busy with other things, but things are heating up around the world, figuratively and literally and it's time to get back to it.

Are our freedoms and independence being eroded daily under BushCo? Feels like it. Here's a great column by Jon Carroll of the SF Chronicle, which kind of says how I feel about it.

Why does it always have to come down to a question of security versus freedom? Is it not possible to have both? Why can't I criticize the government while still loving the country? Isn't that what makes us all really independent and really different from places where freedom is just a slogan?

Anyway, had a great 4th - seeing Stephen and Tanya and Anastasia, going to the ubiquitous barbeque, catching a few fireworks and eating too much.

In the end, it all contributes to the heating up I guess, but that's another story altogether. Go see "An Inconvenient Truth" and decide for yourself how to live with consciousness.


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