Saturday, February 10, 2007

Obama - Do We Have The Capacity For Change?

First of all, congratulations to Senator Obama for the boldness and audacity of taking on the politics of fear with a message of generational transformation.

We hope that the country has grown weary of the political football of the Bush and Clinton eras and is ready to be awakened to the possibilities of a different style of leadership - one that relies on integrity, knowledge and the trust that the United States can still be a positive force for leadership and change in the world. A country that is willing to make the hard choices on security, energy, healthcare, education and diplomacy to take the longer generational view of the world and begin to plan for a future of peace and prosperity that does not look to the myths of the past to be the only guideposts for humanity.

There is much to be done and I would encourage Senator Obama to align himself with people of common sense in both the business community ( and the true majority of Americans that want compromise and action over words (
There are people of both parties and no parties with good ideas and good expertise that have been ignored for too long and need good reasons to step into the fray and offer some workable solutions to tackle the problems of energy, education, healthcare, and many others.

I call on Senator Obama to seek these people out over the next year and introduce them to America as a part of his team that he will bring to the country to help lead us into the 21st century.

And, while I think we will rue that we are being forced to endure two years of presidential politics, I understand the need to declare now and only hope that Senator Obama does not lose sight of the fact that he will need to both continue to exhibit leadership on important issues like Iraq, energy, healthcare and education as a member of the US Senate as well as out on the stump.

I also hope that Senator Obama will pledge early on to not participate in a politics of negativity and disparagement, but will continue to push his own agenda and message and differentiate himself from the politics of fear and cynicism and lead from a position of strength based on hope, ideas and possibilities for the future.

We must finally begin to break the cycle of war that has dominated this country and the world. We must finally begin to understand that Dwight Eisenhower had it right when he warned of the temptation of becoming seduced into a close link with the military-industrial complex and begin rethinking our approach to the defense budget and the setting of budgetary priorities in this country.

Government cannot accomplish everything, but it can accomplish many good things when the right priorities are established and the right ideas are given the light of day and debated in a meaningful way. I would hope that this candidacy will bring out those good ideas and not let those that would have us continue to fear the future prevail.


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